The Little River Monitor from Little River, Kansas (2024)


XXVI. No. 37. Prof, Pickett, the Fun Maker, at Odeon Theatre Every Night This Week! Don't Fail to Hear Him. I.

i. i i. ii. I II. NOTICE! OUT IN THE STREET Albert Deal is quite with For Rent! Forty-five acres The groundhog is smiling! Dill Pickles at J.

D. Bright I will BQpply all persons want ing nursery stock this spring from a very reliable firm that I have been doing business with for 25 years, at the following prices at Little River, Kansas: Apple trees, 2 4 to 5 20c Cherry 2 4 to 5 20c Pear 2 4 to 5 20c Apricot 2 4 to 5 20c Plum 2 4 to 5 20c Peach 2 4 to 5 15c Rose bushes of different varieties 20o each Concord grape vines 85c per dozen, $2.50 per 100. All -J" other stock at corresponding low pneumonia. Albert Ramage has been quite sick for several days. Try AAAA and Big McPher- son Flour, at Kneelahd's.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Fail January 80, 1912.

Born A daughter to Mr. and Mrs; George Burke February 10, 1912. Mrs. Wm. Lighthill is slowly recovering from a severe spell of sickness.

Miss Blanche Downing has been suffering from tonsilitis during the past week. Willow Twig Apples, neither rotten or frozen, $1.00 per bushel, at Kneeland's. A. H. Jennings went to Kansas City Tuesday to attend the" big automobile show.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Baxter, of Arkansas City, January 30, 1912. Wright's Silver Cream 25o per jar. ine best silver polish on earth, at the Book Store.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gilpen attended the funeral of Mrs.

W. I. Gum in Windom Sunday. Miss Emily Bush visited her grandmother, Mrs. Wesley Mc-Cabe, of Lyons, over Sunday.

L. J. Burke shipped and accompanied two cars of 1250-pound steers to Kansas City Monday. Alfalfa Seed! I have a few bushels of alfalfa seed that I will sell right if sold soon. A.

P. Crandall. i Arthur Snodgrass makes Cement Blocks, Arched Caves, and does various kinds of con crete work. W. E.

Downing, Santa Fe oper ator, has been returned to Little River, and his many friends are much pleased. For Sale! A black horse 10 years old, weight about 1350; also a 550-bushel galvanized granary. Good bargains. C. P.

Biehler. E. E. Stephenson and John Berwick visited the wholesale bouses in Kansas City first of the week aad purchased new goods. Mrs.

Ed. Deeds was called to Windom the last of the week on account of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. J. A. CarlsoD.

Lyons Daily News. Walter Zile was kicked in the face Thursday by a horse. Two- stitches were taken and he is get ting along as well as could be ex pected. Lyons Daily News. Spring work will soon be here and you will need that new set of work harness, then again your old harness may need repairing.

We are at your service in either case. Edwards-Sohlberg Co. Thanks To the following persons who have paid cash on subscription during the past week C. C. Deal, Mrs.

Samuel' Clutter, H. C. Deeds, Hugh Bishop, H. W. Loewen, N.

P. Lundstrom, W. C. Wernet, A. Cochran, C.

J. Crumm, D. A. Mast. Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Williams of 828 Oakland avenue, Topeka, are the parents of a baby boy, born Sunday, January 21st, to whom they have given the name of Marshall LeRoy. We congratulate his parents and his grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs.W. H. pasture, 7 miles northeast of Little River; plenty of water. L. Kneeland.

Mrs. Martha A. Rutledge is quite sick and confined to her bed at the home of her sister, Mrs. H. N.

Morehouse. John Louis is building a fine large addition to his reidence. M. F. Ramage is the chief car penter on the job.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Fortier came over from Hutchinson Saturday for a few days visit with their children south of town. C.

B. Smith went to Kingman Sunday to visit his sister-in-la Mrs. Pinkerton, who is yet very sick and in a dangerous condition. Mrs. W.

J. Spriggs and brother, Charles Buell, of Lyons, left Sunday for Pennsylvania to visit their father who is in very poor health. E. J. Fuller came home from Winfield last Thursday.

He re ports his wife gradually improv ing, but yet unable to leave the hospital. Roy Williams and fami' t- turned from Canada Sat and we understand they will ace more be coutented with their home in Rice county. M. J. Young (the big chump) lost his overcoat on Tuesday of last week, and no doubt he will cry himself sick if the finder doeB not return it to him soon.

Carl Troyer is now Santa Fe. station agent at Augusta, having been transfered from Walton last week. Carl is one of the Little River young men who ia sure making good. A goodly number of school teachers from this part of the county attended a meeting of the Rice County Teachers' Associatibn in Sterling Saturday and report a very profitable session. There appears to be considerable sickness in the town and vicinity just now.

Rheumatism, neuralgia, pneumonia and old-fashioned la grippe seems to be the general complaint. E. E. Jodon returned from the Santa Fe hospital in Topeka Friday, where he received treatment for rheumatism. He returned to his work for the Santa Fe Monday evening.

Wm. Kindt, a highly respected citizen well-known to many of our readers, died at his home in Marquette Sunday night. The funeral was held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Morris Peak, foreman of the Santa Fe bridge gang, left Thursday of last week ou a pleasure trip to Panama. Morris says he intends to carefully inspect that "big ditch" and see to it that the work is properly finished.

Miss Eva Ellrick was taken very sick suddenly at the home of her brother, Samuel Ellrick, Wednesday ot last week. Her parents brought her home in an automobile Monday, and is now able to sit up and is safely recovering. Wm. Hardy left last week with a car of household goods, stock and farm implements for Brandon, near which place he has a 320-acre homestead. His family will go to their new home in a few weeks, or as soon as Mr.

Hardy builds a bouse. A Comedy-Drama in Three Acts by Home Talent Friday, February 23. For Benefit of Christian Church. Everybody Invited! A comedy-drama in three acts entitled "Out in the Street" will be played by vouns people of the Christian church at the Odeon theatre Friday evening, February 26. This is a very interesting temperance play and will be ap preciated by all who attend.

The proceeds will be used for benefit the church. Admission 15 and 25 cents. Everybody invited! Club Meeting. A very important meeting of Fraternal "22" Club will be held at the Little River State Bank Friday evening, February 16. All members should be present.

Albert Clark, President. Miss Ella Hopper is gradually improving this week. Mrs. Harding is visiting rela tives at Strong City. LostI front off buggy, south of town.

Geo. Bnrke. Mts. Thomas Snedeger left Sunday for a visit with her son in Superior, Nebr. Mrs.

E. E. Stephenson has about recovered from a severe spell of sickness. Mrs. R.

Germain and twin daughters are here from Langley visiting relatives and friends. E. J. Fuller has sold his 80-acre farm in Wilson township to Tom Carter. Consideration $5000.

W. Burke is making a large basem*nt under his residence and will install a furnace and up-to date heating plant. The difference between lie" and a "black" one is mighty hard for some people to dietiu guish. Hope Dispatch. Miss Thelma Chambers of Al ton, 111., returned to her home Tuesday, having enjoyed a visit with relatives at Little River and Chase.

M. A. Pease has sold his 160-acre farm, just south of Little F. Nonnamaker of Warren, Ohio. The consiJera tion was $10,000.

Mr. Nonna maker leaves for Ohio to-day and expects to return to Little River about the 15th of next month. Get ready to greet the assessor with a smile the first of next month. Trustee C. B.

Smith will assess the property in Union township outside the city of Lit tie River, and Geo. Morehouse has been appointed to assess all properties within the city limitsT If you have too much ready cash on hand just pay it to the editor on subscription. Miss Edith Charlton was taken to the Winfield hospital Sunday by her mother and Dr. Ward, and at eight o'clock Monday morning she underwent a successful opera tion for appendicitis. Dr.

Ward returned home Monday evening. While at the hospital he visited Elmer Timmons and Harry Clark and reports them both getting along very nicely. He spent Sun day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosebrougb, formerly of Little River, and was pleasant ly entertained.

Son's. Kaffir corn wanted I L. D. Kneeland. Teepee Coffee.

Little Mercantile Co. Mon Tro Coffee, sure to please. J. D. Bright Son.

For Sale! Buff Orpington co*ckerels. H. P. Frye. Pure White Rose gasoline on sale at Little River Auto garage.

Wanted Sewing by Mrs. Lillie Baker at F. W. Lennen'B. For Sale! A Sandwich feed grinder, good as new.

Adolphus G. Heinz. Buggy Inquire about that free buggy at Hodgson Implement and Hardware Co's. Free 1 Ask about that free buggy proposition at Hodgson Implement and Hardware Co's. We make farm loans, buy and sell real estate mortgages.

The Pulliam Investment Lyons. Bring in that spring suit or overcoat and have them cleaned and pressed. Neal Baxter, north room of Gallery. We have plenty of private and Eastern money to lend on real es' tate. Low rates and quick, ber vice.

The Pulliam Investment Lyons. For Sale! Four-room house, lot 75x140, one block east of Main street; good welli fruit trees and chicken' park. Dirt cheap "for cash, if taken soon. Neal Baxter Cane Sorghum at J. D.

Bright Son's. Notice Anyone having hair combings they want made up or a switch you want re-covered, give me a call. I also wash switches Mrs. Clyde Bell, phone 25. The ladies of the Christian church will hold an Easter bazaar Saturday, April 6th.

Every mem ber and all friends are requested to help. V. Coffee at J. D. Bright Sons.

Engines and Grinders! We make a specialty of them. Let us fit you out. Hodgson Imple ment and Hardware Co. For Sale! The tract known as the ''Parks Place," southwest part of Little River. Ideal hog and poultry tract.

For particu lars, call on or address E. R. Mc- Williams, Little River, Kans. Lyons Best Flour at J. D.

Bright Son's. Come down to the new barber shop the next time you are in Have that hair cut for fifteen cents and get a shave Jot ten cents. Neal Baxter, north room of the Gallery. Wood Wood 1 Wood I I have on hand a large quantity of wood sawed up into 12 to 20-inch lengths for sale at $2.00 and $2.50 per load a load to be what will lay on a 52-bushel wagon H. Hodgson.

For Sale Hedge posts and wood. D. O. Smith. W.

Spriggs' new blacksmith shop is almost completed, and we believe we are safe in saying it will be the very best in Rice county. He is now getting his machinery placed and everything conveniently arranged. The south room will be occupied by the Bell Garage Co. prices. All orders should be placed soon.

Your for Business, H. C. Hodgson. WANTED! spring wagons and buggies to paint and repair. Have secondhand spring wagons and buggies for sale.

I am located in the building first door south of Ger man's coal office. N. Sperry. NOTICE! Office of Dr. H.

B. Lemmon at residence, two blocks east of Drug Store. (Phone 69.) Buy your apples at J. D. Bright Son's.

Try Teepee once. Little River Mercantile Co. Found! A white wool scarf. Call at this office. For Sale! Land in Texas for a team.

R. E. Persinger. -See D. H.

Crawford for fire and tornado insurance. Big discount on all hats at Mrs. Elliott's millinery store. You get no frozen apples when you buy of J. D.

Bright Son. A fine line; of ready-to-wear hats at Miss Hagan's Millinery Store. Apples I Apples Apples I Good ones, at J. D. Bright Son's.

i A A A buggy at Hodgson Implement and Hard ware Co's. Get next! If you are looking for good eating apples go to J. D. Bright Son's. Buggies! A fancy line can be seen at Implement and Hardware Co.

Buy the best! We guarantee every sack of Golden Sheaf Flour. Little River Mercantile Co. 1 Fob Sale pair of draft mares, 8 and 4 years old sound. Price $300.00 Wv Hunter. We have the kind of apples you are looking for.

Come in and sample them I J. D. Bright Son. Beware of hog cholera! Give your hogs larger range. We the American FenceS-rEdwards- Sohlberg Co.

Lights! Call at Hodgson Im plement and Hardware Co. store and let them show you a lighting system that everyone should have. Cream Separators There is nothing better than the "Sharp-leas Tubular. Call and see them at Hodgson Implement and Hard-ware Co's. For Sale 1 Four-room house and lot with, small outbuildings and well.

$250.00 down and $5 monthly P. Frye..

The Little River Monitor from Little River, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.