Beckley Post-Herald from Beckley, West Virginia (2024)

8 of of a a a a a a a a a a DECEMBER 3, 1949 English Girl Exchanges Vows With Paul R. Price WHITE SULPHUR GIRL TO HEAD PRESS GROUP WHITE SULPHUR, Dec. 2 Miss Shelia Gregory, cartoonist for the White Sulphur high school paper, "The Fountain," was chosen president of the Concord Scholastic Press Association at Athens, Saturday. Other officers elected were vice president, Martha Widiner of secretary, Ellen Hayes of. Mark Twain; and program chairman, Billy Ray Linkous of Welch.

Students from six high schools attended the meeting. Others representing White Sulphur high school were Patsy Hamrick, editor-in-chief; Imogene Bennett, advertising manager; Martha Sweet, circulation mana-; ger. MRS. PAUL MALCOMB IS GIVEN STORK SHOWER MARLINTON, Dec. 2 The home Mrs.

G. D. Wooddell was the secene of a lovely stork shower given by Mrs. Mack Bussard and Mrs. Samuel Collins for Mrs.

Paul on Wednesday evening, 30. Refreshments were served to the following guests: Mrs. Page Johnson, Mrs. Kenneth Beverage, Mrs. Harold Pryor, Mrs.

Ruth McNeil, Mrs. K. E. Wooddell, Mrs. Edith Bussard, Mrs.

Alfred Dilley, Mrs. L. M. McClintic, Mrs. J.

M. Bear, Mrs. Edith LaRue, Misses Mabel and Fleeta Lang, Mrs. Charles Edward McElwee, Mrs. Elizabeth Callison, Mrs.

Stanley Wooddell, Mrs. Barton Grimes, Mrs. G. E. Wooddell, Mrs.

John Carey, Mrs. Francis Skaggs and Mrs. Ward Barlow. WOMAN'S CLUB TO HOLD CHRISTMAS MEETING MARLINTON, Dec. 2 The Marlinton Woman's club will holdi its December meeting on Dec.

9 lat 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Craig Richardson. Rev. John L. Welch, St.

John's Episcopal church, will rector of deliver the Christmas message. A vocal selection will be given Mrs. Frank E. Johnson, a reading Mrs. G.

D. Stemple and carols will be sung under the rection of Mrs. Johnson. BUSINESS WOMEN TO HOLD ANNUAL PARTY MARLINTON, Dec. 2-On Dec.

16 at 6:30 p.m. the Marlinton Business and Professional Woman's Club will have its annual Christmas party at the Toll House Restaurant. Mrs. Elizabeth and Miss Mary Moore form the committee arranging the party. Contest Proceeds To Be Used For Projector WHITE SULPHUR, Dec.

2. The magazine subscription drive sponsored by the Business Training class of White Sulphur high school and their advisor, John E. Hayes, ended last week with a profit of $175. The entire contest grossed school's share was $175, lacking board $100 the of the price of the school had hoped to purchase for the athletic field. The school authorities have deon new movie projector.

alcided to pay the amount earned Individual prizes awarded to all students selling two or more subscriptions. Only one student qualified for the certificate of achievement, Betty Baker, an eighth grader, who collected $133. The Ribbon Factory, located in White Sulphur contributed $25 toward the purchase of the projector. Deer Bagged By Alvon, White Sulphur Hunters SATURDAY MORNING, INDIAN MILLS NEWS INDIAN MILLS, Dec. 2.

W. A. Thompson spent the weekend with his son, Basil Thompson and family at Ballard. E. B.

Dillon, the mail carrier for several years, has been ill with influenza for several days. He is now able to be out again. Mrs. Lula Raines has returned to her home here after several days visit with her son, T. R.

Raines and sister, Mrs. A. D. Bolton, in Roanoke, Va, Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Smith, of Beckley, were visiting her sister, Mrs. E. B. Dillon Sunday. Her mother, Mrs.

Alice Houck accompanied them home and will spend several weeks there. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hutchinson and children, of Charleston, and Mr. and Mrs.

Edwin Hall, of Peterstown, spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hall.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brackenrich and daughter, of Mabscott, 1 and Mrs. Nina Zutant, of Swisen, were visiting Miss Pina Dosier Sunday. Mrs.

Lumm Underwood and Jerry, of Beckley, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lowe.

Mrs. Howard Young, of Forest Hill, was the guest of Mrs. Nora Foster Sunday. C. O.

and H. E. Lowe, of Red Sulphur Springs, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. L.

R. Dillon Sunday. John Dosier was in Hinton Saturday consulting an eye specialist. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Dillon and son Wayne, of Highcoal, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lowe and Mr.

and Mrs. C. A. Dillon. Foster was visiting his brother, Henry Foster and wife Sunday.

Miss Barbara Allen, who is staying. with her aunt, Mrs. Ethel Redmond and attending Forest Hill school, spent the weekend with her father at Pipestem. Mr. Mrs.

Luster Fox, of Talcott, were visiting their daughJames Keatley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Windsor Arrington and son Norman, of Narrows, were visiting Elwood Dosier and family Mrs. Haynes Shelton and little daughter, Sue, were shopping in Hinton Tuesday.

Mrs. Ethel Redmond was visiting Mrs. R. G. Smith, Tuesday.

EDDIE SMITH SPEAKS AT YANKEE 4-H MEET RED SULPHUR SPRINGS, Dec. 2 The Yankees Four-H club of the Davis and Cross Roads schools met at the Davis school for their meeting recently. Johnny Maddy presided over the meeting and the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The roll call was answered by asking a riddle which was answered by the club. The theme for the meeting was conservation and Eddie Smith of the Summers county Conservation Commission spoke the subject.

Club members exchanged names for Christmas gifts. The game committee composed of Norma Lively, Alice Nelson and Roger Hutchinson, taught a new game. Refreshments were served by a committee composed of Norma Lively, Nova Vanstavern and Aubrey Meadows. The next meeting will be neld on Dec. 16 at the Cross Roads school.

BACK ALLEGHENY FARM WOMEN NAME OFFICERS MARLINTON, Dec. 2 At recent meeting of the Back legheny Farm Women's club the; following were elected to serve as officers for the coming year: resident, Odey Cassell; vice president, Mrs. Walter Beverage, secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Price Swink. PETERSTOWN NEWS Billy Dunn, student at Concord his College, spent the weekend with parents, Mr.

and Mrs. W. M. Dunn. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Spangler WHITE SULPHUR. Dec. 2 RED had as their guests Sunday, W. G.

Several hunters in this communi-2-On Calloway, of Blacksburg, his ty have been successful people daughter, Airs. Wallace Duncan the first few days of the deer sea- gathered and son Jimmie, who is a student i son. Mrs. at West Virginia University. Other Most of the hunting has been in regulaguests were: Mr.

and Mrs. Roy the Monongahela National forest James Frazier, of Union. Those of White Sulphur Springs Coaloway. of Bluefield and Mrs. land the Blue Bend section.

Miss' Duaine Hite, a student at and Alvon who have been succesRoanoke School of Nursing. spent sful this season are: Paul Delong. the weekend with her parents, Mr. bagged an eight pointer, John and Mrs. S.

P. Hite. McDermott. Henry T. Hambrick, Roanoke School of Nursing, spent luckiest hunter by bagging ten Miss Jay McNeil, a student atiand Werdell Foster, beine, the the weekend with her parents, Mr.

pointer near his home on the Aland Mrs. Oliver McNeil. von road. Misses Joan and Margaret Garrison, of Beckley, Sunday with their mother, Mrs. H.

L. Jarvis. They were accompanied by Miss Doris Bruhn and Ray Gentile, also of Beckiey. The following persons are deer hunting this week in Pocahontas county: Robert Johnston, Dr. J.

O. Hunter, R. G. Tuggle, Houston Frazier, Kent Medley, Weaver Broyles, Douglas Worrell, Charles Worrell, Bus Lambert. Johnny Smith.

Bobby Burwell and Harvey Bolding. Committee Named To Arrange For Bazaar MARLINTON. Dec. 2 The Marlinton Homemakers Club will sponsor a bazaar in the basem*nt of the Presbyterian Church Dec. 9.

starting at 10 a.m. Mrs. Edward Wilson. Mrs. Harper Smith.

and Mrs. Ward Wimer compose the committee in charge of the event. MARRIAGE PERMIT DARLINTON. Dec. 2 A marriage license has been granted to! Jimmie Taylor, of Dunmore and Mary Jean Moore of Dunmore.

The license was issued on Nov. 26. STUDENT HOME WHITE SULPHUR, Dec. 2 Miss Becky Bowling. student at liarshall college in Huntington.

is spending the holidays with her parents, Senator and Mrs. J. Bowling of White Sulphur Springs. Rocket speeris of 30.000 miles an hour are possible with the use of liquid hydrogen as fuel and liquid oxygen as an oxidizing agent, according to an auI thority. Mr.


Ford, 76, former resident Lewisburg died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Kaufman, of Richmond, Thursday. He is survived by another daughter, Mrs. Virginia Shultz, of Baltimore, two brothers, Ben A. Ford, of Lewisburg and Gus Ford, of Huntington.

services will be m. the Wallace and Wallace chapel at Lewisburg. Burial will follow in the Clifton cemetery at Maxwelton. MOVIE IS SHOWN AT WOMAN'S CLUB MEET RONCEVERTE, Dec. 2 The Ronceverte Woman's club met Monday night at the Gateway Hotel Mrs.

H. C. Gilreath presided in the absence of the program Mrs. Clarkson and family of Point hostess; Mrs. Lawrence Sherwood led the devotional exercises.

A brief business session was held and reports on various club projects were heard. Mrs. Gladys Crickenberger accompanied by Mrs. Charies Huilman entertained with three violin numbers. Denzil Liston, operating the motion picture projector of the Layman's league showed a movie "Historic Virginia." Those present included Mr.

Yates, Mrs. Sherwood, Mrs. Gilreath, Mrs. Huffman, Mrs. Doran Samples, Mrs.

Hirt. Dent, Mrs. Thornton Lee, Walter MeMillion, Mrs. J. T.

Winkler, Mrs. Cecil Wiseman, Mrs. Rollins, Mrs. Adrain Wiseman, Mrs. H.

E. Heslep, Mrs. Forest Kincaid, Mrs. William Lee, Mrs. W.

R. Bland, Mrs. Leo Joseph, birs. Robert Wade, Miss Virignia Ellis, Mrs. C.

E. Tucker, Mrs. Kyle Erwin, Mrs. Dwight Shanklin, Mrs. C.

L. Wilson, Mrs. T. H. Rosser, Miss Mary Houchins, Mrs.

Lyle James, Mrs. Lloyd Ballard, Mrs. Burton Doggett, Mrs. David Houchins, Mrs. E.

T. Black, Mrs. Mark Gee, Mrs. Warren Graves, Miss Elizabeth Boone, Mrs. Norman Blake, and Howard Clifford.

PETERSTOWN NEWS Mary Lively had As her guests this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. and Sherron, Mr. and Mrs.

Alfred P. E. Ryan and daughters Joan Taylor. all of Arlington, Ar. and Mrs.

C. G. Lively and children, Mr. Laura Lively, of Pearisburg. Mr.

and Mrs. Harry S. Lively and son Michael, of Rupert; Mrs. W. A.

Peck. of Narrows, and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Reynolds, of Pearisburg. Va.

Master Eldridge Rowe. son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rowe. is recovering from a tonsil operation.

Miss Kathryn Dillon. of Becklev. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.

D. Dillon. over the Thanksgiving holidays. Miss Betty Lou Spangler, a student at Marshall College and Pic. Harry Spangler, of Fort Knox.

the weekend visiting their mother. Mrs. Louise Spangler. Bill Perdue, of ifuntington, was also a guest in the Spangler horne. David Ball.

of California and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ball and cirldren Nancy and Jimmie. of Mount Morris, visited Mrs. Ellen Bail over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Tubble visited her parents.

Mr. ami Mrs. V. D. Caldwell, of Blueficid.

Thanksgiving. Mrs. Bill Smith is a patient in PETERSTOWN, Dec. 2 Mrs. Jane Witt, of Gray Sulphur Springs, had as her guests Thanksof Bluefield; and Mrs.

giving, Mr. and. Mrs. Rish, Ray, of Princeton; Mrs. Brown Talott, of Bramwell; Miss Jess Witt, of Welch and Miss Tommie Jane Witt, of Peterstown.

Those spending the Thanksgiving holiday with Mr. and Mrs. William Barrick were: Mrs. Travis Barrick, of Fairmont and Mr. and Mrs.

Bill Barrick, of Clarksburg. 2 Pfc. James D. Jarvis, of the U. S.

Marine corps, stationed Camp LeJeune, N. has notified his father, H. L. Jarvis, of Peterstown, of his promotion to corporal. Harry Huckland spent the holidays with friends in Roanoke, Va.

Mr. and Mrs. Bunton Chambers and daughter of Athens, are guests of Mr. Chambers' parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Chambers. Eckey Riley, of Rock Hill, S. Visiting his mother, Mrs. Gladys Riley and grandmother, Mrs. Julfan Hansbarger.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Caldwell, of Detroit, visited his sister, Mrs. R. G.

Tuggle last week. Mrs. Lillie Ellison had as her guests for Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. E.

B. Duncan, of Rock Hill, S. C. Mr. and Mrs.

William Barrick are spending this week in Beckley visiting their daughter and law, Mr. Walter Rappold. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Forrest Hill, spent Thanksgiving with Webb's daughter, Mrs.

Harry Mays. Mr. has been promoted and transferred to Rock Hill, S. C. Mrs.

W. S. Bryant, of Summerlee, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.

M. Taylor. Jimmie Burwell, of laeger, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with his mother, Mr. M. R.

Burwell. Mrs. E. E. Ballard had as her guest this weekend, Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Solins, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey Jones, Mrs. Eva McCoy.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ballard and son Harry, all of Welch, Thomas Coy, a student at West Virginia University and Mr.

and Mrs. Ronaglois, of Richmond, Va. Jerylin Spencer, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spencer, very ill at her home.

Gordon Miller, of Huntington, visited his wife over the weekend. Luke's hospital in recovering from a recent operation. COVINGTON VISITORS WHITE SULPHUR, Dec. 2 Mrs. Christine Sweet and Airs.

Arnold Weyen were business visitors in Covington, Virginia Wednesday. RED CREEK GUEST RED CREEK. Dee. 2 Mrs. R.

P. Bonner, of Red Creck. is visiting her son and daughter-inand Mrs. J. E.

Bonner, of Ronceverte. GREENBRIER News and circulation offices. Jewell McNeer Bigony Fete HINTON, Dec. 2 Social functions preceding the marriage of Miss Jewel! McNeer to Mr. Joseph Clark Bigony, which will: take place Saturday evening at the Methodist church, included a pre-rehearsal party for the bride's attendants at the home.

of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McNeer, of Marie, and a party for the groomsmen at the Bigony home in Bellepoint, Friday afternoon.

At the McNeer home, the brideelect's sister, Mrs. Mason C. Ford, of Hinton, and the bridesmaids, Miss Annabelle Glover, Charleston; Miss Peffy Tacy, Elkins, Mrs. Fred Noble, of Hinton, and Miss Sharon Front. Beckley, were the guests of honor.

Other guests included Mrs. than Clark, of Charleston: Mrs. Carroll Casto, of Point Pleasant: Mrs. William S. Winfrey, of Princeton: a Mrs.

H. E. McNeer and Campbell, of Marie. At the Bigony home the honor guests included the best man, Mr. Otto Kessler, of Charleston; the ushers: Mr.

William S. Winof Princeton; Mr. Nathan Custo, of Point Pleasant; and Mr. Clark, of Charleston: Mr. Carrol John Norman Wilson, of Hinton: the ministers, Rev.

Fred Wyand and Rev. J. W. Ware, the father of the bride-elect and groom, Mr. H.


2. The Sowards Circle of Greenbrier Baptist Church met with Mrs. E. R. Fletcher Thursday afternoon.

Eight members were present, Mrs. and Elmer opened Taylor, the president, meeting by presided ing the Christmas Story from Luke. Mrs. E. L.

Warren presented a Christmas program. She was assisted by Mrs. Ola Withrow and Mrs. closed H. L.

Smith. The meeting with Members prayer by Mrs. ren. present were, Mrs. Mrs.

Frank Ethel Ellis, Mrs. Ola Withrow, Compton, Mrs. H. L. ren Smith, and Mrs.


LEWISBURG, Dec. 2 The district officers of the Greenbrier Boy Scout unit will be installed at a meeting of scouters in the Masonic Hall at Lewisburg Thursday, Dec. 8, Tom A. Beaver, scout executive, stated today. The meeting will be held along with a banquet dinner, Beaver stated.

A program is being arranged and several visiting scouters are anticipated for the evening. HILLSBORO NEWS HILLSBORO, Dec. 2 Ronnie Cleek, of Minnehaha Springs, 1 is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. -W.

C. Cleek: Miss Peggy Clutter, of Charleston, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S.

Clutter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young and sons, of Charleston, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Miss Dice Smith. Miss Price McLaughlin and Julia Ellen McLaughlin spent Thanksgiving with Mrs.

Julia McLaughlin, of Maxwelton. Gene Hayes, of Washington, D. is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. Artie Hayes. Melvin Rose, of Washington, D.

is visiting his mother, Mrs. Grace Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beard and daughter, of Fairmont, visited Mr.

and Mrs. H. W. Beard the holidays. Mr.

and Mrs. W. T. Walker and Mr. and Archie Walker and family visited Mr.

and Mrs. K. O. Moore, of Welch, Sunday. and Mrs.

Harry Starks and and family Mrs. spent Fred Sunday with Mr. Wade, of Lewisburg. Mr. and Mrs.

Bennett Stump and family spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Holly Stump, of Parkersburg. Miss Martha Ann Edgar spent few days week with her is sister and Brother Dr. and Airs.

John Kight, of Norfolk, Va. Band Makes 80 Public Appearances In Year inence HINTON. Dec. 2 The promof the Hinton high school band. and its auxiliary units, in athletic events and other activities of the school and community was stressed today in a statement by its director, Edgar Loar, that the organization had made eighty public appearances in the past year.

The band, or some of its units. have been scheduled for as many as three appearlances a day on occasions. director Loar said, and is always ready to respond to invitations provided they can be worked in on its study and practice schedule and appearances already booked. It is scheduled to participate in the Christmas parade Saturday. and its choir will sing Sunday afternoon the Elks Memorial service.

TO ATTEND WEDDING WHITE SULPHUR, Dee. 2 Miss Ann McClintock. Bible teacher of White Sulphur high school. left Friday for her home 1:1 Winnsboro. South Carolina to attend the wedding of her sister.

CLASS TOURNAMENT WHITE SULPHUR, Dec. 2 The interclass volley bail tournamont is in progress at White Sulphar high school. Wednesday's cames resulted in the Senior girls defeating the eighth grade and the freshman class winning over the juniors. The boys' same be played sometime next week. FLIES TO KENTUCKY WHITE SULPHUR.

Dec. 2 Miss Jay Roberts, formerly of Chase Studios at the Greenbrier, and now manager of at Ashland. Kentucky, New to Ashland Monday in the Greenbrier Airopr: Ercoupe, piloted by Bill Schoenses. friends. to BECKI.E.Y POSTVALLEY NEWS Phones Hinton 832 Lewisburg 518 And Joseph Attendants PLANS COMPLETED FOR HINTON PARADE TODAY HINTON.

Dec. 2 Final touches were being put on for Hinton's big Christmas Farade: Saturday, which will include 200 persons in various costumes. la large number of floats, life animals, animated toys, four school'ing. bands, and other organizations stretching cut for about ten blocks. The "Queen of the Parade" will be Miss Mary Lee Anderson, Hinton high school senior, and she wiil have four attendants on her inoste significant figure will De! special float, but probably the "Santa Claus" himself, who will hold court for the kids, and have a present for each.

City, county and state police officers, and members of the Hinton Fire Department will control traffic during the parade, and they been asked to meet at the courthouse at 10 a. m. Saturday. houses have been asked to close their snops during the parade, which will form at noon at the Carnegie Library corner on Ballengee street. Police Captain C.

H. Shirey warned spectators to to the sidewalks, and not interfere with smooth progress parade by entering street areas. Captain Shirey also asked that cars be parked outside the parade route, and warned that no parking would be permitted in certain areas, including Temple street from Fourth to Second Avenues, and on Second Avenue from Tempel street to Ballengee street. GREENBRIER EMPLOYE MAKES SOLO FLIGHT WHITE SULPHUR, Dec. 2 Howard W.

Southern, X-Ray techniciane in the medical at the Greenbrier, began his conmercial pilot course November I and made his first solo flight Nov. 25, last Saturday. He now has several hours of solo flight and pilots the cub trainers daily on practice flights early morning and noon hour. Southern has proved to be one of the most enthusiastic new pilots at airport. He served as an infantryman during, the war, and has long wanted to fly, MISS BILLY MANN TO WED HUNTINGTON MAN HINTON, Dec.

2 The engagement ci Miss Billy Sue Mann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mann, Hinton, to Mr. Frank M.

McCloud, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. McCloud, TO of Huntington, was announced today.

No date announced for the open church wedding which the couple plan. Miss Mann, well known in younger social circles, is a graduate. of the Hinton high school. She is a former member of the school band and the Tri-Hi-Y club, and for two years has been employed by the Chesapeake Potomac telephone Co. Her fiance, who attended Huntington schools.

served for two years the U. S. Navy, and is now employed locally by the Kroger Grocery Company. QUILTS MADE FOR VICTIMS OF FIRE INDIAN MILLS, Dec. 2 Friends gathered at the hone of Mrs.

Opal Butler recently and quilted two quilts for Mrs. Otis Shell. The Shells had the misfortune to lose their home several weeks ago. This is the third in a series of quiltings for them. The quilt blocks and material was furnished by the ladies of the community.

The Shells new block home is almost completed. LEWISBURG, Dec. 2 The Christmas lights that have been strung in some sections of the town for a few days were lighted Thursday evening for the first time this season. Robert Webb and James Lancaster have been working at night with some helpers hanging the lights at a time when they would interfere with little of the usual activities on the streets. Christmas Lighting Goes On In Lewisburg Men To Have Charge Of Presbyterian Service WHITE SULPHUR, The church men of of White the First Sulphur will have charge of the evening service Sunday, Dec.

2. Rec. C. D. Denham, pastor of' the church.

has appointed D. A. as chairman to arrange the prigram to be presented. Raymond Ellard, Jr. Goes To California ALDERSON.

Dec. 2 Raymond Ellard. left Thursday morning by plane for Los Angeles. to accept a position as bookkeeper for the Stuart Motor Co. PLEDGED TO SORORITY RONCEVERTE.

Dec. 2 Miss Loretta Jones of Ronceverte. who is a student in the Charleston School of Commerce. has been pledged to the Beta Omicron Chapter of the Alpha Iota business sorority. Elgibility in the sorority is based on scholarship, leadership.

character, and service. The student to be pledged must have done superior work in subjects in which they are enrolled. RETURN HOME RONCEVERTE, Dec. 2 Mr. and Mrs.

Anthony Miano have returned to their home following a visit with Mrs. Miano's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gee. RELATIVES LEWISBURG.

Dec. 2 Goodwin Taylor has returned to Charleston where he is employed in the State Commissioner's office following few days spent in Lewisburg with relatives and friends. HERALD. BECKI.EY. WV.

VA. Renick Funeral Set For Sunday LEWISBURG. Dec. 2 Mrs Mary Alice Renick, 60, of Lewisburg, died at her home Thursday afternoon. She IS survived by her husband, C.

R. Renick, two sons, C. W. Renick, of N. and Charles Renick, of Pittsburgh, daughter, Mrs.

Mabel Barranco, of New York City. Funeral services will be conducted Sunday at 3 m. at the John Wesley Methodist church at Lewisburg with Rev. Foy officiatBurial will follow in the Lewis burg cemetery. The body will be taken to the church at 1 p.

m. Sunday where it will lie in state until the funeral hour. NEW RIVER GROCERS TO RETAIN HINTON OFFICE HINTON, Dec. 2 Sale of the principal assets of the New River Grocery Company, local wholesale grocery which has been in business here for 45 years will not involve removal of the business elsewhere, the new owners, Paul M. Cooter and L.

L. Oakes, said in quieting rumors circulated following Hinton's biggest business transaction for many years. Transfer of the old company's principal assets involved approxirately halt a million dollars, and the new owners declared that no efforts would spared to develop the business of the company. H. 0.

"Doc" Graham, a veteran employe and former salesman for the old company, has been named as general manager of the new concern, which will operate as the New River Grocers, and Harry J. Edmonds, former manager of the produce department the old company, has been named as credit and sales manager. In adidtion to the main offices here, the new company acquired the sales offices, shipping rooms and warehouses at Mabscotle and Rainelle, and will 60 or employes the old company. more, company operates a fleet of 17 delivery trucks. The new owners are both natives of' Oklahoma and were schoolmates who continued their comradship into numerous business enterprises.

Cooter, who holds a law degree from the University of Michigan, is head of the company, of Chicago, a national food brokerage firm, and for most of his life has been engaged in the wholesale food business. He is married and has one daughter. Oakes is head of Oakes and Company, hardware brokerage and a director var the Baldwin Rubber company. He is married but has no children. JEAN MARY NEWMAN TO WED HERBERT OSBORNE LEWISBURG, Dec.

2 Leonard S. Newman, of Lewisburg, announces the engagement of his daughter, Jean Mary Newman to Herbert Hugh Osborne, son of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Osborne, of Meadow Bluff.

Plans are being made for a December wedding. Miss Newman attended Lewisburg high school and is a daughter of the late Mrs. Helen Hunter Newman. Mr. Osborne graduated from Rupert high school served in the armed forces for 18 months part of which was as a paratrooper i in Japan.

is now owner of a service station in Rupert. SWEET SPRINGS NEWS SWEET SPRINGS, Dec. 2 Calvin Doss, of Huntington, is here for a few days the guest of his brother, Empry Doss. Mrs. Earl Gaynor continues to be a patientuin the Greenbrier Valley at Ronceverte.

Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Worsham recently visited her at the hospital. Miss Susie Jenkins is visiting her sister, Mrs. Betty Shaver, who resides Union.

R. J. Rowe, of Alderson, was the guest of relatives here durThanksgiving week end. "Paul Baker, a student in Concord College, has returned to Athens following a few days spent here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Ocie Miller of White Sulphur Springs were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Cody Shumal.or. Leonard Baker, of Washington. has returned after days here at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Ocie Miller of White Suiphur Springs were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Cody Shumaker. Leonard Baker, of Washington, has returned after spending a few days here at the home of his par-! ents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baker.

HOLIDAY GUESTS HOLIDAY GUESTS RONCEVERTE. Dec. 2 Miss Eula Austin. Bill Austin, and Miss Linda Ratliff spent the Thanksgiving holidays in visiting Mr. Mrs.

Homer Austin and other friends and there they enjoyed a sighiseeing trip to the Holston TVA dam near Elizabethton. ON HUNTING TRIP ALDERSON. Dec. 2-Fred Hardesty. manager of the Alpine Theatre here, joined a deer hunting party of six in Preston County Monday and Tuesday.

They killed an 18-point buck which weighed 175 pounds. RESUMES STUDIES WHITE SULPHUR. Dec. 2 Gus Schoensee. son of Mr.

and Mrs. Gustave Schoensee, resumed his studies at Georgetown University in Washington. D. on Monday. RETURNS TO SCHOOL WHITE SULPHUR, Dec.

2 Jenny Lee Krer. daughter of Dir. and Mrs. Hutton Kyer. returned to Bluefield Business college after spending the weekend at home.

TO ELECT OFFICERS LEWISBURG. Dec. 2 The Ronceverte-Lewisburg Altar 50- of ciety will hold its annual election officers Thursday, Dec. 8, at a semi-monthly meeting. Jimmy.

Rose Fund Now Totals $400 FAIRLEA, Dec. 2 Miss Marjorie May Blakeman, of Stone, Stafford Shire county, England, became the bride of Paul Richard Price, of Fairlea, Thursday evening in Clifton Forge, Va, The ceremony was performed by the Rev. T. C. Bales in the parsonage.

Mis Blakeman and Mr. Price first met during the war while he was stationed with the army near home. After the war there followed interlude of correspondence and finally a proposal by mail. During the war years in England, Miss was employed in the English Electric company and for the past few years has worked as a private gardener and kennel maid. Mrs.

Price describes her trip as very exhausting due to so much rough weather on the seas. She I left England on Nov. 2 and arrived in Boston on Nov. 14 aboard the Nova Scotia. Mrs.

Price states that she is very happy being here among the West hills and is very much impressed that this part of the country reminds her somewhat of her native England. The only difficult problem she has is in Mthe exchange of money. and Mrs. Price wiil reside in Fairlea where they have chased a home. Mr.

Price is secretary-treasurer of the Watts Manufacturing company in Ronceverte. FOOTBALL MOVIE TO BE SHOWN KIWANIANS HINTON, Dec. 2-Color movies of the football game in which the high-stepping Marshall College team upset Ohio University shortily after the boys had knockled over the Mountaineers from West Virginia University, will be shown at the regular meeting of Hinton Kiwanis club Monday evening at 6:30 p. the program chairman, Nathan Anderson, announced today. The pictures will be shown at Bluestone Tavern in Bellepoint.

All members are urged to atI tend. MARLINTON LIONS PLAN LADIES NIGHT MEETING MARLINTON, Dev. 2 The Marlinton Lions Club will hold a ladies night on Thursday, Dec. 8, at 6:30 Marlinton Methodist church. The guest speaker will be J.

O. Dellinger, of Beckley. Mr. Dellinger is assistant coal traffic agent of the C. O.

Railroad Co. movie entitled, "New Trains For Old," will be shown at the meeting. ALDERSON NEWS ALDERSON, Dec. 2 Mrs. Lawrence Boyd has returned from Springfield, Ohio, where she was due to the serious illness of her mother, Mrs.

Charlton Gilliam. Staff Sgt. and Mrs. W. Drumheller and children, E.

W. III and Rebecca of Vallejo, are visiting Mr. Drumheller's mother, Mrs. Lawrence Boyd and Mrs. Drumheller's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. H. Parker. Joe Skaggs killed a four point buck deer at Watoga Tuesday. The deer weighed approximately 150 pounds.

Skaggs and C. E. Hawks were with a party of fifteen hunters, Skaggs was the only one to make a kill. State Elks President To Visit Hinton Lodge HINTON, Dec. 2-Cody Fletcher, president of the West Virginia Elks Association, will pay an official visit to Hinton Lodge No.

M. Meador announced 821 next Tuesday. Secretary Lark Following the meeting a buffet lunch will be served. SULPHUR SPRINGS, Dec. November 28th the Young of Red Sulphur Springs at the home of Mr.

and I George eBasley, to plan the Christmas program at Sulphur church. Red Sulphur Group Plans Xmas Program HINTON, Dec. 2 Mrs. W. M.

Lowry, of Talcott, today brought in voluntary contributions of $42.50 to the Jimmy Rose hospitalization fund, and raised the total to $400, nurses at the Hinton Hospita! today. Four-year-old Jimmy, who has never learned to speak because of deafness, is receiving treatment at the Hinton Hospital for a ailment, and purses started a drive to raise $600 send him to a Baltimore clinic in an effort to enable him to hear in order that he might learn to speak. Practically all of the $400 contributed has been without any kind of a being made for the funds necessary for his treatment, and nurses feel assured the balance of $200 needed for the minimum treatment considered I necessary, will be forthcoming on the same basis. FARM WOMEN'S CLUB MEETS AT DAVIS HOME ORGAN CAVE, Dec. 2 Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Mr. C. G. McDowell of Oak Hill and Miss Rosalie Miller of Roanoke, were Sunday guests of Mr.

and Mrs. James Miller. Fronk Erwin was a recent business visitor in Charleston. Mr. and Mrs.

L. B. berger Mrs. Milton Crickenberger were Tuesday visitors to Covington, Va. Mr.

and Mrs. Bill Leach and Mrs. Roy Arritt were week end guests of relatives in Roanoke, Va. Circle No. 2 of Salem Church will meet with Mrs.

B. B. Boone Thursday evening, Dec. 8, at 7:30. Mrs.

Wesley LaFon is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ayers in Washington, D. C. Mrs.

Mann of Marlinton is the guest of Mir. and Mrs. George Darlington. Mr. B.

B. Boone of Alloy, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Smith and daughter of Dunbar have been guests of Mrs. Boone and Mr.

D. C. Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs.

Lewis Ayers of Washington, D. announce the birth of a daughter, Gail Ann. Miss Dolly Jackson a recent patient at the Greenbrier Hospital is home. Mrs. Virginia Auvil, Dr.

M. D. Hoke, Mr. C. C.

Hoke of Beckley, Mrs. L. W. Rhudy, Mrs. Jones, Bank, Mrs.

Wallace Hoke and daughters of Covington, and Mr. Kester Hoke of Charleston were at their home here recently for a visit. LEWISBURG PERSONALS Mrs. Elizabeth S. Knight has returned to her home in Charleston, where reinter plans to remain during the months, after spending several weeks in Lewisburg.

Goodwin Taylor has returned to Charleston where he is employed in the State Tax Commissioner's office following a few days spent in Lewisburg with relatives and friends. Emmett Landrum has returned to Lewisburg from Clifton Forge where he spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.

Landrum. Mrs. Beatrice Burns Harvey has returned to Lewisburg following a brief visit with friends in Washlington, D. C. Following a visit in Lewisburg with friends Mr.

and Mrs. Carlton Larry of Clifton Forge, have returned to their home. Paul Sheppard, a student at the Nashville Deisel college, Nashville, is spending a few days vacation in Lewisburg visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lago Sheppard.

W. R. Scarbro, who was recently called to North Carolina by the illness of his father, has returned to Lewisburg. John Nickell has returned to Dayton, Ohio after spending a few days in Lewisburg with his parents. Mr.

and Mrs. John R. Nickell. Joe Bass has returned ot his home in Lewisburg from Clifton Forge, where he visited his wife who has been a patient in the hospital for several weeks. NEW YORK GUESTS MARLINTON, Dec.

2 Recent guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Curtis were: Mr. and Mrs. C.

O. Hummell son of Brookiyn, N. Y. Cedric Snedegar Heads Frankford Sport Club FRANKFORD. Dec.

2 Among those killing deer the second day of the season were: Charles H. lilah. of the Frankford SportsGillilah and Charles H. Gilmen's club. They bagged a seven and ten point buck.

The deer were killed on the waters of Little Creek. Cedric N. Snedegar, of Frankford. was elected president of the club for the coming year. Other officers are Gene Livesay, treasurer and Roscoe Boothe.

secretary. O. King was named vice president. PRICE BILL FILED LEWISBURG. Lec.

2 The appraisal bill of the late Price of Kessler totaling $2.515 has been filed in the county clerk's office at Lewisburg. F. Price is the administrator of the estate. PLANNING PROGRAM JUMPING BRANCH, Dec. 2.

The young people are planning a Christmas program to be given at the Bluestone Baptist church on Christmas Eve night. VISITS RELATIVES WHITE SULPHUR, Dec. 2 Mr. and Drs. Arthur Gusa of Wooster, and Arthur Gusa, of Boston, are spending a few H.idays in White Sulphur Springs visiting Miss Pauline Perkins.

FRACTURED LEG WHITE SULPHUR, Dec. 2 Mrs. Cassie Brown is a patient in the Greenbrier Valley hospital at Ronceverte where she is receiving for a fractured You Are Not Attending Sunday School Anywhere At Present, You Are Invited to Attend The ROBERT C. BYRD BIBLE CLASS Each Sunday Morning At the Crab Orchard Baptist Church. CLASS PERIOD BEGINS AT 9:45 A.M.

LESSON BROADCAST OVER STATION WWW DIRECT FROM THE BYRD CLASS ROOM 10:00 A.M. to 10:45 A.M. Each Sunday Morning The Byrd Bible Class Features The Now Famous "CRUSADERS" QUARTET With Their Rich Selections Of Your Favorite Old Time Gospel Hymns. This Sunday In Addition To The "Crusaders" Quartet, We Are Featuring The "MIDLAND Quartet From Rainelle, W. Va.

Be Sure To Come. Signed: "Singing Sam" Raborn Master of Ceremonies Mose Pitzer Class Pres..

Beckley Post-Herald from Beckley, West Virginia (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.